Buy Mitigation Credits
Mitigation Credits
The USFWS determines either the number of eagle credits or number of pole retrofits an applicant of an incidental eagle take permit is required to complete as an offset. The Eagle ILF Program can also provide mitigation as a net benefit to meet permit conditions.
Currently the Eagle ILF Program defines 1 mitigation credit = a power pole retrofit providing 30 years of avoided loss. Eagle credit requirements on a permit can be converted by our staff to a number of power pole retrofits. Costs for each credit are based on the full-cost accounting to retrofit an individual pole and maintain retrofits for a minimum of 30 years.
Purchase Mitigation Credits
Contact us at info@eaglemitigation.com or by phone at (970) 430-4170
Please include the following:
Company Name on the Permit
Project Name
Project Location (lat/lon coordinates or county, state name)
Migratory Bird Permit Number (if known) and permit type
USFWS permit requirements specific to each eagle species (# eagle credits or net benefit)
Start year of permit and start year of take